Rugby, ND - Wednesday, June 28
I sent several photos home to Karen a few days ago - Washington and Idaho. She has posted some of them on the web, and has created a link to them.
Click 'Paul's Photos' at the right; then click the 'Slideshow' button. Thanks Karen!
Rugby, ND
Seventy-one sunny miles today, with a crossing head wind. Eastern Montana and North Dakota don't have a lot to see. Increasingly, the terraine is getting flatter, and we are beginning to see more trees. Just like home, I saw a soy bean field today - the first one I have seen on this corn yet. The most interesting thing about Rugby is that it is the geographic center of North America.
Ann and Hans went to the Rugby Ice Cream Social after supper. They were too late to see the entertainment, but they got some free ice cream.
As he had said at the begining of the trip, Andy has set up new cook teams. We are at about the 1/3 mark, and he will probably change the teams once agin. The new teams are Linda & me, Cal and Andy, Hans and Ann.
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