Northern Tier Cycling Expedition

Several adventurist and myself, are doing a coast-to-coast bicycle ride in the summer of 2006, with the Adventure Cycling Association. This blog is to describe that adventure

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Cut Bank, MT. June 15

June 11. Columbia Falls, MT. A very nice campground. We made the Whitefish bike shop rich. I got new brake pads, Cal got new tires and tubes, Hans got a new saddle, Andy got a new head stem. The owners (May and Ron) then hosted us to a chicken bar-b-que at the campground. May is on the board of Adventure Cycling, and they run a great shop.

June 12. West Glacier, MT. What should have been an easy 20 mile day turned into a difficult 38 miler for me. I got lost and rode about 15 miles on gravel. Yuk. Changing our plans, hoping the highway opens.

June 13. East Glacier, MT. The 'Going To The Sun" road was closed due to snow, so we skipped St. Mary, Waterton, and a third place I don't remember. We went directly from West Glacier to East glacier. This took us over the continental divide. We had terrific head winds - 30 - 40 miles per hour. This was one of our most difficult days. Big thunderstorm at night, but not a problem.

June 14. Cut Bank, MT. The best ride I have ever had in my life. All down hill for 50 miles, with a 20-25 mph tailwind. It was sunny but started raining again just after we set up camp. Extremely windy. I am getting booted, by the library. I will get back on later.


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