Northern Tier Cycling Expedition

Several adventurist and myself, are doing a coast-to-coast bicycle ride in the summer of 2006, with the Adventure Cycling Association. This blog is to describe that adventure

Monday, August 14, 2006

Blue Ridge, NY - Sunday, August 13

I see Karen has posted my latest batch of pictures, and created a link to them.

Texas, NY - Thursday, August 10

The terrain is getting hilly; not big hills, but it is beginning to look like Southern Indiana.

Andy almost had a disaster. He left his wallet at a fruit stand where he was taking a break. He noticed it when we stopped at a Dairy Queen a little later. He got a ride back to the stand where they had his wallet, then the stand owner drove him back to the Dairy Queen where he continued on his way. This was an example of how friendly locals are - they are always friendly and happy to help. But this assistance stands out because it was well over and above what others have done for us.

We had a storm in the afternoon. I missed most of it, but everyone else was hit hard. Fortunately, it did not last long. We camped at a very nice campground on Lake Ontario: for free! The manager, Bob, said they have not charged bicyclist for years. We sent him an Adventure Cycling thank you card.

Boonville, NY - Friday, August 11

We're in the hills! On the edge of the Adirondacks. Short but steep ups and downs. We are also seeing some logging, which we have not seen since Minnesota/Wisconsin.

The weather has turned cool - I think the today high was 72 degrees. I wore a long sleeve jersey all day.

I lost a $5.00 bet to Anne. I'm embarrassed to say what the bet was, but now I've got to figure out some way to win it back. That will be tough - she's a pretty clever cookie.

Raquette Lake, NY - Saturday, August 12

I guess we can tell we are getting weary. Two days ago, Andy lost a wallet, yesterday I lost a bet, and today, Cal lost his map. When we get to Vermont, he will start using a new map, but until then he will be blind. I came to his rescue: since I am using a GPS, I can get by without a map, so I loaned him mine.

It was 41 degrees this morning, and we rode with a crossing headwind all day. We are definitely in the mountains...the ups and downs are getting longer. This was my hardest day since we left the Cascades. I had to walk one hill near the end of the day. It was a long steep climb, and I was so tired that I couldn't keep my bike in a straight line at 3.3 mph, so I got off and pushed.

The campground was in a very nice setting, but was quite run-down. Cal & I had cold showers, but Hans was able to figure out how to get hot water. We are still seeing some logging.

Blue Ridge, NY - Sunday, August 13

We are in the heart of the Adirondacks. We are constantly climbing or coasting, with no flats. The longest grades are about 3 miles, but most of them are 1/2 mile or less.

It was 36 degrees this morning: the locals tell us this is unusual. Today was a short day, only 42 miles, and we enjoyed a sunny tail wind. The route was nearly all in state forest land. We are seeing a lot of Maple trees, but there are still a lot of White Pine too.

The campground was nice, and we had a great spot overlooking a big waterfall area. We all had time to do some laundry. Unfortunately, on Monday morning the water was down to a trickle and the main toilets were not unfortunate end to an otherwise pleasant stay.

Karen has finalized my flight back home.
. Friday 8/25 we ride into Bar Harbor and spend the night in a Hostel
. Saturday 8/26 I (and Hans, Anne, and Cal I think) move into motels. I pack up my bike and arrange for UPS shipment home.
. Sunday 8/27 I sight see Bar Harbor.
. Monday 8/28 I take a shuttle to Bangor, and Fly Delta (via Boston and Cincinnati)home.


At 3:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

can you explain your use of the gps and what model you use?

At 4:12 PM, Blogger P.T. said...

I use a Garmin 76C. I have downloaded all the routes for the Northern Tier from the Adventure Cycling web site. I got it for a tour I took last year, and will not tour again without it. You should take a look at the GPS forum on the Adventure Cycling web site. I have several posts there under the user name of ptaylor.



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